Originally created by the Simjunkies community in 2011, Old Drivers Spirit simracing league took over the organization of this virtual rendition of the famous french historic cars festival. Based on the same principle and schedule as the “real deal”, ODS LMC is a simracing event made of 15 races (60 minutes each) over a full 24-hour day/night cycle, at the Le Mans circuit, with different selections of cars from 1950s to 1980s.




24 HOURS – 15 RACES – 5 GRIDS – 20+ CARS – 15 TEAMS – 45 DRIVERS

  • And the winner is

    And the winner is

    They took the lead from the 1st race and managed to hold it right till the end. Congratulations to the SRG team for their victory in the LMC 2023 edition.

  • Live streaming on ASTV

    Live streaming on ASTV

    Tonight, the qualifications will be streamed with Plonk:

  • Some info on Qualy and Races

    Some info on Qualy and Races

    Qualy: same weather without rain on thrusday & friday night sessions. Races: IRL weather (+10°C), it will be run over a number of laps with a maximum race time of 1 hour (in case of bad weather).Grid 1 – 11 … Continued

  • Grid 5 updated

    Grid 5 updated

    We’ve updated all the cars to repair the rev warning lights. We also took the opportunity to reduce the engine power of the Jaguar a little bit because we didn’t want it to be faster than a Porsche 956 or … Continued


ARPIEM Watches

Old Drivers Spirit LMC is supported by ARPIEM, a watches brand that sources its DNA from a period of motorsport when the recurring risk of serious or fatal accident gave drivers a chivalrous and romantic dimension.
A collection of chronographs dedicated to legends of the 60s and 70 with unique combination of colors and discreet references on the dials is available at